Navigating in the inbox
- “Move up/down number ” e.g. “move up 3”.
- “Page up/down ”| “go to top/ bottom ”.
Moving between inbox calendar etc
- “Switch to/ go to inbox/contacts/calendar/sent items ” e.g. “go to inbox”, “go to calendar”, “go to sent items” or just try “sent items”.
Opening and closing emails etc
- “ Open/ new/ send/ delete/ reply to/ forward/ print/ close + message/ e-mail ” e.g. “new message”, “reply to message”, “print mail”.
- Try just one word, for example, “reply”.
- “Reply to all”.
- “Attach a file”.
- “Check names” (will do same as Ctrl+K i.e. retrieve contact from address book).
Moving between fields in an email
- “To/ cc/ bcc/ subject/ body field” e.g. “subject field”, “body field”; or “press tab”.
- “ Go to/ move to to/ cc/ bcc/ subject/ body field” e.g. “go to body field”, “Move to field”.
Tip: Put frequently used phrases like “Hello Sue”, “Hi John” in Dragon’s vocabulary
- “Move message to folder” or “press control shift V”.
- To go to a folder say “press control Y”.
Opening attachments
- To save attachments without opening the e-mail, highlight the e-mail, then say “File” then “save attachments”, then “press arrow”.
- If you want to open the attachment, rather than save it, you have the following options:
- With the e-mail open, move the mouse pointer over the attachment and say “mouse double-click”, then “open it” or “move up one”, then “ok”.
- With the e-mail closed and selected in the inbox, say “press shift key F10”. This is equivalent to a right mouse click and will bring up the context menu. Say “press shift key F10”, then “view attachments”, “press arrow, press enter”. Alternatively, move the mouse pointer over the closed e-mail and say “mouse right click”. Then “view attachments” or “type h”, then “press enter”, ”open it”, “ok”.
Addressing an email
Method 1: Accessing the address book from an email
When in the ‘To’, ‘Cc’ or ‘Bcc’ fields of an e-mail, say “address book”, or “click to”, then in the ‘select names’ dialogue box, dictate the name of the addressee. If misrecognised, say “correct that”. Alternatively, if you do not think Dragon will recognise the name, say “spell” then start to spell the name. This will bring you close to the name in the list. You can then say, e.g. “move down 2”. Consider putting the name in Dragon’s vocabulary if it’s one you use frequently.
Method 2: Simply dictate the addressee’s name into the ‘To’ or ‘Cc’ field of an e-mail.
In Sue’s opinion, this is the simplest way to address e-mails to people you contact frequently.
For this method to work successfully you will need to ensure that Dragon will recognise the name by adding it to the vocabulary (say “edit vocabulary”).
Ensure that Microsoft Office will recognise the name by adding external contacts to Microsoft Office Contacts. Anyone inside your organisation will already be in the address book.
Simply dictate the name into the ‘To’ field of an e-mail, then say “check names”.
Outlook contacts
- “Go to contact”| “new contact”| “delete contact”.
- For a new contact, “address book, file, new entry, okay”.
Tip: When you have received an e-mail from someone outside your organisation and want to add their e-mail address to Outlook Contacts:
- With the e-mail open, hover the mouse pointer over their address in the ‘from’ field. Say “mouse right click” then “add to contacts”. The name and e-mail address will automatically be added to the ‘new contact’ dialog. You will then need to say ‘save and close’. If this does not work, say “press alt key s” or “press alt key sierra”.
- For Dragon 10, try hovering the mouse over the “to” field when replying. Then follow the instructions above, but say “add to outlook contacts”.
Mail format
If you have any problems dictating in Microsoft Office, consider changing mail format to plain text. You won’t have all the formatting functions available in rich text or HTML, but Dragon is likely to work better. Plain text is best for Dragon, rich text is second best, HTML worst.
To change the mail format, go to Microsoft Office | tools menu | options | mail format tab and choose ‘plain text’ or ‘rich text’ from the ‘compose in this message format’ drop-down list. Uncheck ‘use Microsoft Word to edit e-mails’.
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