More and more apps are becoming available for different specific tasks. Some of these can be used to track your symptoms, access specific therapies, reduce arm use on your devices and possibly more, the opportunities are becoming endless in software.

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Reduce arm use with computers:

Although your computer has some software to help with reducing arm use, other developers have made significantly better software which can be downloaded and installed easily.

Dragon is some of the best known voice commanded software to do everything from opening programs and typing with voice only. The software is powered by AI so it adjusts to your style. It is also possible to get training in this software.

Other software which reduces clicking (click-less software) is being developed by a member of RSIACT. Get in contact with ACTRSI if you wish to learn more.

Pain Tracking Apps:

RSI pain and symptom flareup can unfortunately last for many weeks or months. One tool to add to the pain management is pain tracking. This can assist with identifying patterns in pain, what triggers pain and assessing which activities help reduce it. Your doctor or other specialist may request that you keep a log of your pain symptoms. While this was previously done with pen and paper, many apps are now available which help you do this in your phone or other device. Some examples include:

Chronic Pain Tracker
My Pain Diary & Symptom Tracker
My Symptoms
C u r a b l e (lessons and podcasts on chronic pain)

Mood Tracking and Mindfulness:

Bearable is software which tracks mood, symptoms, sleep and energy levels. Under the symptoms section, you can add where you have physical pain e.g hand, wrist, shoulder, neck. You can then rate the pain from none, mild, moderate, serve and unbearable. You can also add your mental symptoms such as stress, anxiety etc.

Daylio is software which also tracks mood.

Mindfulness can also assist in how people live within pain and the stress it puts on our mental health. Rewiring the brain is undoubtedly easier said than done. However, we do live in the era of technological advancements, so sitting beside a babbling brook has been replaced with downloading an app. If you are like me, quieting the noise within your mind is near impossible. Here are some useful tools that are available to you in order to achieve this.

Smiling Minds – The psychologists behind Smiling Minds wanted to make a free tool with the intention of bringing mindfulness into your everyday life. It allows you the freedom to meditate from the comfort of your own home.
Meditation Oasis – This app has been designed for people facing illnesses and their families, and due to the ongoing pandemic it is currently free. You could also try Calm, Relax Lite or Insight Timer. 

The importance of mindfulness and meditation is to self-regulate and build resilience, and for some it can be more powerful than any drug.

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